OEPHI High Performance Cables is the culmination of over two decades of passion for music and its technical reproduction
OePhi’s purpose is to give music lovers the best possible appreciation of their music collection while also providing long term satisfaction from their investments in replay gear. In order to achieve this, we work towards making cables ‘disappear’ as an impediment within the replay chain, by painstakingly analyzing and solving the main problems that govern the audible impact of signal transmission. Through years of research, we have found that cables’ time domain properties are the single most powerful repertoire of explanation (explanans) that explain the most critical aspects of audible colorations (the explananda).
“OePhi cables improve sound in much the same way as a much better DAC“
“The improvements from OePhi cables resemble those we know from the best phase correct studio monitors.“
Professional Audio Engineer (mastering) and audio consultant
As a result of our research, OePhi audio products are based on minimal interference technology. Conductor design, cable geometry, and material selection have been meticulously developed to deliver maximum bandwidth with minimal phase and time domain distortion. In other words, we not only focus on getting the information through the cable as fast as possible, but also, and more importantly, we ensure that the information arrives with the highest possible time domain integrity. All this to ensure that the audio signal’s dynamic and frequency-related information arrive at the recipient at the exact same time. Oephi cables deliver unparalleled clarity, speed, immediacy, detail retrieval within an open, neutral, coherent and musically enthralling soundscape.
Timing is Everything.
The human hearing is highly perceptive to sound’s time domain. While few can hear above 20kHz, it is suggested that timing differences down to one millionth of a second are detectable. This is how we pin point from where sounds emanate and how they have been modulated by reflections. Controlling the speed of signal transmission is therefor central to ensuring signal integrity.
Electrical signals are conditioned by conductor shape, cable geometry and the materials being used. Through extensive research we have found novel correlations within cables’ design parameters that utilize bandwidth and phase linearity potentials that were previously hidden within the predominant theoretical model used to predict cable parameters. Where the accepted idealized models either look at conductors’ impedance in relation to their cross section (typically called skin-effect), or the inductance and capacitance as products of conductor spacing, we have developed an approach that combines the two models. Our advanced knowledge makes for technology that displaces the relationship between trade offs otherwise thought irremovable. The result is higher speed of signal transmission, higher bandwidth and lower phase-distortion.
Rethinking Physics